Wealth Management

Market Timing – A Fool’s Errand

Market Timing - A Fool's Errand

“Given the uncertainty in the stock market, should I stop contributing to my 401K?” It’s a question we hear all too often as nervous investors follow the news of the stock market’s ‘wild ride’. Many clients think about stepping off the wild ride, thinking they can sit out the market’s fluctuations to avoid losing money. But very often, when you have the strongest emotional urge to step out of the market, you will create the very outcome you fear.

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Buy and Hold Investing vs Market Timing

Buy and Hold Investing vs Market Timing

One of the most common questions that I get as a professional money manager has to do with market timing. People seem to think that financial advisors have some investment ouija board that will let us know exactly when you should get in and get out to maximize your return. Unfortunately, if you think timing the market is a sound investment strategy, read on.

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